Heather MacFadyen, mother of four boys, connects you the listener with people and resources to help you feel less alone. Consider it an invitation to "withness".
Heather MacFadyen, mother of four boys, connects you the listener with people and resources to help you feel less alone. Consider it an invitation to "withness".
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Want to be this version of me. And I know you have a word for us today. So I would love to hear, like, what prompted you and what season were you in where you wrote this amazing book? So, I mean, how many years ago was it? Oh my goodness. Sir, it came out in 2,000. Isn't that insane? So you're about to hit a 25? Almost 25 years. And what's so wild, Heather, is that the message still resonates in my soul. Like, I'm still the girl my husband says, hey, honey. There's a really good book you ought to read. Because I think we need to be reminded. Right? It's not like we arrived. Oh, my word. And I kept thinking that was what was gonna happen, which I really think is honestly part of our frustration is we think I should have been farther by now. Mhmm. I shouldn't have to struggle with this. Exactly. And yet, you know, even though I haven't arrived kind of a little funny story. I used to pray, and I meant it from the bottom of my heart. Lord, make me perfect by the time I'm 30. That was like Okay. My heart's desire. This is the body. It is. And that's where, honestly, where all the frustration comes because we know what we ought to be, and we're working so hard to do it. We're doing the Martha. I mean, you know, I I I always say, you know, there there is, like, a Mary and a Martha inside of me. I want to worship like Mary, but the Martha keeps bossing me around. It's nobody else's expectations that crush me. It's my own. And so this book has just continued to be so important in my own life, to remember that that when Jesus rebuked Martha in Luke chapter 10 verses 38 through 42, when she's like, Lord, don't you care? Tell my sister to help me. You know?
Of decorating, and there is an order. So that's the main thing we get wrong when we're actually making decisions. It's not that think a lot of us know what we like just like when we go shopping for an outfit. Like, we see a shirt. Like, I like that shirt. This shirt looks good on me. I shall buy the shirt. But it's especially when we're buying stuff for our house, you want to choose the items in the right order. Because your seeding informs where your rug should be and how big it should be. So things like that. So That's the overall thing I would say. I mean, confidence, a 100%. Like, if we're doing the translation to personal wardrobe and, like, making those decisions, I have felt like I missed some class. I grew up in Indiana, and everyone in Dallas knows how to dress all the time, and I missed the class. So I went to House of Color. They told me my colors. This is, like, 3 or 4 years ago. And it was just so clarifying. Like, okay. Oh, there's warm, and there's cool. I had no idea. Like, just design theory and the knowledge gave me confidence So then when I see something come across my Instagram, I can be like, well, that's not for me. Mhmm. It's a blue based. I'm in yellow based. It's not bright. And I can just immediately filter out. I don't have that confidence in the decorating of my home. Like, I don't know even someone's come in and I have a sectional, they're like, that table doesn't quite fit. And I'm like, I don't I don't know what table would fit. Like, What are the rules on that? Oh, well, I can tell you the rules, and here's what you did right with your clothes. You found a mentor. You found a mindset. And you decided to believe the truth that no one is born with the how to dress Jean and no one is born with a decorating gene. You know what? We all have to learn, and I can
They're like 3 more questions blanks here. Anyway, not to dog dads, but to say, like, there's a lot we have going on. There's a lot we have going on, and then we have a day in one day today, I'm gonna get 20 more ideas for what I can do with my kids to make their lives more rich and to make my existence as a mom better. So it's, like, a lot going on, but really, is it also that there's so many ideas and opportunities and ideologies available to me? I so resonate with that, that some of the the overwhelm is mom created. Like Yeah. That some of this we do to ourselves. Well and interesting before we started interviewing, you said dinner or breakfast is on. You have air frying sausage for your son. Now you're not telling me to be a good mom, Sarah, you need to do that. But my mind, if I'm not careful, is gonna go to, I don't feed my teenage son breakfast. He's, like, grabbing a piece of toast on the way out the door himself. You know, it's not even just what it it's not even just what's available out there, but it's, like, what my mind does. Right? What we like, we're always measuring. Am I doing this right? Am I doing enough? How am I screwing them up? How what are they gonna talk to their counselor about? And, yeah, I do agree with you. Like, we're comparing, you know, and I could read your book and you take this walk with your kids in the woods. Right? Like, oh, I wish I lived because I grew up in the woods. Like, I love and we live, you know, So you're and I'm shoving them down with a piece of toast. If that, it might just be bread. If the toaster is broken, who knows? Yeah. No. I I do think there's this comparison in what I
This is your finest hour to show up for this kid. Yeah. And not to over spiritualize it, but I really do have to back myself out of it sometimes because I can get in the middle of that and be like, oh my gosh, like, what does this mean long term? And what are we gonna do? And how's he gonna catch up? And, and I feel the pressure of, we're not doing enough at home. And, am I advocating enough for, I don't even know what art stands for, for heaven's sakes. And then I'm like, okay, Lord, like, and I feel this for all of our kids, but I especially feel it for like this one. I'm like, if he got him from where he was through foster care to our home, there is no way the Lord isn't going to help him read and help us get him to what the Lord wants to do in his life. Like God's going to be like, well, I've done enough. It's your turn now. It's good luck. I mean, and so I just have to That's good. That's a good one. Rest in that. So for all of you guys, like it's as we're getting closer and we'll talk more about this next time, but to end of the year and some things feel hard or, big questions or whatever, 1 I'm there with you. And 2, like, this is my moment. I feel like I get them all the time, but this is my moment to be like, do I trust that God is good and that he's sovereign and that he loves my kids more than he loves me and that he works all things for his glory and our good. Like, do I believe what I speak? And if I do, then I can sit in an ard. My theology is going to match my reality. I like to talk about that a lot. Like my theology says he all those things. Then my reality is I'm singing an art and I don't know how this plays out, but I know the God that does. I'm gonna trust him in that. So that's where I am. Hope that puts you in a better mood. How'd you like that? I like it. And I think it applies to the mom who's maybe their oldest is heading to kindergarten in the fall. Yeah. Maybe a mom is like, I really feel led to homeschool, and she's starting that in the fall. She's feeling overwhelmed. It's like we're kind of I think with end of year, you wrap up a choice that was made a year ago. Like and you're making choices for the fall and you're getting feedback. I feel like at the beginning of every year, and we said this, it's all shiny and new, and then it's like it all hits the fan, and you're thinking, oh my gosh. And you are crawling to the finish line at this point. Like, you're still kinda
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